Tuesday 9 November 2010

Recycling Pays

In a previous post I had mentioned Alphonse (the Coke can collector) and his recycling efforts in the Handicraft Office compound. It isn't just Alphonse, there are about 4 guys involved in this operation. Today was a big day.
All the cans were collected up and crushed as flat as possible with a great piece of steel fence post and put in sacks. They get 90 toea for a kilo of coke cans (thats about 20 pence for a kilo of cans - thats a LOT of cans). They had sacks full! and at the end of the day they reckoned they had made about 20 Kina (approx five pounds).
It had taken them weeks and weeks and the 20 kina would be shared between them but they were all very satisfied with the result.
Things go better with Coke?

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