Monday 19 July 2010

Get thee to a nunnery.

Have just spent the weekend in a nunnery!

Well it used to be a nunnery - its now the VSO Training Centre in Birmingham. Somewhat run down but "homely" with a sort of old fashioned youth hostel atmosphere. Bring your own towel, share a room and the toilets/showers are a fair walk away.

I was there to take part in the Preparing to Volunteer course which was interesting, useful and fun. Lovely bunch of people, all going to different parts of the world. There was one other volunteeer who is going to PNG although I think he will be some distance from me.

Was quite astonished to discover that the average age of a Volunteer these days is 38 (I don't want to see any comments about this average being boosted by my arrival in the statistics!)

It was a great weekend . Continue to be impressed with VSO's pre departure training these days - such a change from the last time I did VSO as young volunteer.

Also discovered that Mt Hagen (where I will be working) is pronounced Mt "Hargen" not Mt "Haygen" as I used to pronounce it.

Most interesting out come of the weekend? I learnt that the Tok Pisin word for "broken" is "bugarup" (work it out!)

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