Sunday 8 August 2010

Another Weekend - Another Course

Another training course at VSO training centre at Harbourne Hall.

This one covered "Health & Personal Security" - very important for me in PNG (see earlier posts!) and "Skills for Working in Development"

Once again a useful and enjoyable course and a really great group of people. A real mixture of ages and backgrounds - some going out as medics, others in education, community development, business advisors and one who is going out to be the management adviser to a "King" !!

There was a lot of talk about the need for Rabies vaccinations (just in case we get bitten by a bat or a dog) however I checked the info I'd received re PNG and its not on the list - so I think I'll give that one a miss.

Only 10 more days before I leave Teachers TV and then its only about 4 weeks before I set off.

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