Wednesday 25 August 2010

Yet another bloody medical!

I had my VSO medical weeks ago - it was followed by a referral to a consultant who, after all the investigations, finally gave the all clear on Monday.

Then a new medical form arrived from the PNG High Commission which meant I had to go back to my GP again for yet another medical today!

I must be the most medically checked out person on the planet right now. Anyway this volunteer is now definitely fit to serve!

Monday 23 August 2010

All is well

Have just been to see the Consultant at Worcester Royal Hospital and everything is okay! No problems so VSO should now be able to grant medical clearance and I'm all set to go.

The only thing that might delay my departure is the provision of work permit and visa from the PNG High Commission - have finally completed all the forms and sent them off so all I can do now is cross fingers and wait.

Finished work at Teachers TV last week and my colleagues gave me a lovely send off with red wine and chocolates which was a good way to go! Got all my projects finished (or at least in a healthy condition to handover) so I don't think I left any unexploded bombs behind me. Maybe I'll be back there next year?

Wednesday 18 August 2010

A new departure date

Have just heard from VSO that my planned departure date has moved forward a few days and is now 15 September. The email from VSO arrived with yet another batch of forms (5 this time!) for the PNG High Commission - those guys must love paper work!

Sunday 8 August 2010

Another Weekend - Another Course

Another training course at VSO training centre at Harbourne Hall.

This one covered "Health & Personal Security" - very important for me in PNG (see earlier posts!) and "Skills for Working in Development"

Once again a useful and enjoyable course and a really great group of people. A real mixture of ages and backgrounds - some going out as medics, others in education, community development, business advisors and one who is going out to be the management adviser to a "King" !!

There was a lot of talk about the need for Rabies vaccinations (just in case we get bitten by a bat or a dog) however I checked the info I'd received re PNG and its not on the list - so I think I'll give that one a miss.

Only 10 more days before I leave Teachers TV and then its only about 4 weeks before I set off.

Wednesday 4 August 2010

Self Defence

A good friend of mine who has lived in PNG has written to suggest that I might consider taking some self defence classes before I go to Mt Hagen! It was a serious suggestion (I think!)

It does rather reinforce all the info I've had from VSO which stresses the need to be vigilant about my personal security whilst I'm in PNG. Mt Hagen has a particularly bad reputation in this respect and is seen by many as the Wild West of PNG.


Monday 2 August 2010

A quick update

My appointment with the consultant is on 23 August. Since I am due to leave for PNG on 20 September this is just about enough time.

Provided it really is nothing to worry about!

Sunday 1 August 2010

I'm sure its nothing to worry about but.....

So said my GP during my VSO medical last week!

Not what I wanted to hear.

He has found something that he thought was an "area of concern" (don't you love these medical euphemisms?) that should be checked out before I go to PNG. He has referred me to a consultant.

The VSO medical team have written to say that they cannot give me medical clearance until after the results from my referral - only problem is the length of the waiting list may prevent me getting an appointment before my scheduled departure date of 20 September!

May have to go private and do a bit of queue jumping - against every principle I ever had!

Bloody nuisance!