Friday 24 September 2010

A new leaving date

Now been given a PROVISIONAL leaving date of "somewhere around 3 October"

I continue to live in hope but my natural optimism is being sorely tested!

Wednesday 22 September 2010

Another delay

No visa or work permit yet so will not be leaving on 23 September.

I will get away eventually and there is no sense in getting annoyed or frustrated about the delay- this is what happens in contries like PNG. If you can't take the aggravation and the frustration of this kind of hold up then its probably best not to go!  Life in a developing country is full of these little difficulties so I can look upon this as pre departure conditioning.

Wednesday 8 September 2010

A slight delay

Just heard from VSO that the PNG High Commission has not yet  issued the visa or work permits. So my departure has now been rescheduled with a new date of 23 September.

Oh well - I suppose it gives me more time to pack